World Beyond War Selfie Contest

Find all the hashtagged photos on Facebook, on Twitter, and on Instagram.

World Beyond War is growing into a movement that can influence agendas. We have people signed on, committed to working to end war, in 153 countries.

Let’s show each other what we look like!

Let’s make a public and global statement.

Here’s how:

1. Take a photo of yourself holding up one of these signs (with the blank filled in — use a big, bold, dark marker):

[click for PDFs]



2. Take a photo of yourself holding up one of these signs (with the blank filled in) in front of a military base, a weapons company, a recruitment office, a department of war, a U.S. embassy, another nation’s embassy, a parliament, a royal palace, a bank or financial institution that invests in war, a local office of an elected official, or another piece of the war machine:



Make up your own sign!


3. Post your photos on social media (such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) along with your location in the world and the tag #worldbeyondwar.

We will publish a collection of the best photos and offer prizes (banners, shirts, books, etc.) to the winners.

Find all the hashtagged photos on Facebook, on Twitter, and on Instagram.

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